Archive (Page 43)

December 21, 2023

Local Westchester Pantry Giving Tree Global Helps With Food Insecurity Ahead of Holiday Season

On a quiet street in Rye, NY Pastor Pasquale and his wife Sherri Falco operate a food pantry out of their home. What started with a donated bag of bagels in 2013 has become a place of refuge for so many.

December 21, 2023

The Market, Bringing Local Artisans & Vendors Together

“People don’t just come to the market today, they continue coming and make her coffee shop their new spot, and that’s a full circle moment for me,” says Nadia Ramon.

December 21, 2023

Texas Embraces Proposition 6 for Sustainable Water Solutions

Proposition 6 will create the Texas Water Fund Amendment and it will assist in financing water projects in this state.

December 20, 2023

Advocates Fight To Stop Dumping on West Chicago, Twice

The community of West Chicago has been challenging a proposed waste transfer station in their town for nearly four years. Now, the decision lies in the hands of the state and is expected next year.

sister libby Fernandez shares coffee with a member of the unhoused community in Sacramento.

December 20, 2023

Hope on Wheels: Mercy Pedalers Extend Compassion to Sacramento’s Homeless Amid City-County Dispute

As the numbers of unhoused individuals rise year-to-year in the city and state, politicians continue to argue about how to address homelessness. The COVID-19 pandemic, unaffordable housing, and lack of shelters, recovery opportunities, and medication are all factors that contribute to this growing problem.