Ann Poletti
San Francisco
Ann is a marketing executive and reporter covering local politics and developments in San Francisco for The Click. A Middlebury College and Harvard Business School graduate, Ann likes to follow the money and understand how it impacts our communities, countries and environment.

December 10, 2024
San Franciscans Reclaim Their City
San Franciscans got results after organizing dozens of neighborhood groups to roll back a progressive approach to crime from pre-pandemic years.

November 6, 2024
California Passes Tough-On-Crime Proposition By Wide Margin
California passes Proposition 36, cracking down on retail theft and drug crimes, rolling back portions of Prop 47 passed a decade ago.

October 21, 2024
Calls to Halt Sacramento’s Housing Overreach
200 San Francisco residents attended a town hall meeting to hear more about California state-mandated housing targets and how the city commission's “upzoning” plan could negatively impact their neighborhoods.

October 7, 2024
Former Homeless Addict Supports CA Prop 36 to End SF Fentanyl Woes
Drug Treatment Saved Tom Wolf. He Advocates Mandating More of It.

September 25, 2024
Where Democrats Outnumber Republicans 8:1, GOP Crowd Lauds Trump
MAGA supporters pack San Francisco bar to watch the presidential debate– cheering for Trump, jeering at Harris