Felicie Jungels (Page 2)
Boston, MA
Félicie Jungels is a Boston-based reporter for The Click and a freelance marketing manager. She writes stories on travel, art, and culture. Jungels studied fashion design at ESMOD Paris and graduated with a Bachelor in Art Management from Lesley University. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Journalism at NYU.
November 2, 2023
From Gossip to News: Analyzing DeuxMoi’s Role in Journalism
The gossip Instagram account @deuxmoi engages in acts of news-sharing, but does that make the person behind the account a journalist?
November 2, 2023
Challenging Conventions: ‘Sur Le Front’ and the Importance of Advocacy Journalism
While climate change continues to impact our planet's survival, Hugo Clément, the French journalist and passionate environmental advocate, exposes critical environmental issues in episodes of 'Sur Le Front,' broadcast on France Télévision. These episodes serve as a compelling example of the necessity of advocacy journalism in today's media landscape.
October 24, 2023
Firearm Legislation in Massachusetts Sparks Strong Opposition
“Why put more [laws] on the book, If you can’t enforce the ones you have? … why add another 142 pages of them?” Renee Gagne
October 5, 2023
A Q&A with Interior Designer Lisa DiAntonio
Interior designer Lisa DiAntonio is undertaking the project of restoring and decorating her 19th century colonial home. In the process, she's designed a new innovate tool that may change the way we hand our curtains in the future!
October 2, 2023
Andover Still Clearing Debris Weeks After Storm
The aftermath of two storms in Merrimack Valley in Massachusetts in September 2023.