Lindsay Rogers (Page 2)
November 18, 2019
How ‘Nany’ Became an Instagram Influencer
Meet Nany, a lifestyle blogger with an Instagram following of 181,000+, whom she interacts with daily.

October 29, 2019
NYC Winter Lantern Pop-Up Marks Beginning of Holidays
Winter Lantern Pop-Up kicked off in Liberty Park on October 28. Image by Lindsay Rogers. NEW YORK — The 12 […]

October 20, 2019
Pets of New York Blessed in Annual Ceremony
Hundreds of pet owners stood on sidewalks outside New York City churches Friday, holding their guinea pigs, cats, snakes, and various breeds of dogs - as they do every year on this day. It is Oct. 4, marking the celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. Catholics all over the country wait in line with their beloved - in most cases - four-legged friends who are to be blessed, though the event is one that appeals to people of other faiths, and even some of no faith at all.

October 15, 2019
Case Study: Behind The Words of The Transit Guy
( NEW YORK ) — You’ll eventually know him as The Transit Guy, but for now you probably know him […]
September 29, 2019
American Dream Mall Not A Dream For Everyone
JERSEY CITY, N.J. — New Jersey is about to become home to the new American Dream—or American nightmare, depending on […]