LaShic Mondrell
Fort Bliss, Texas
Houston native LaShic Mondrell resides in Fort Bliss, Texas as a public affairs noncommissioned officer with the U.S. Army and a graduate student at New York University. LaShic aspires to transition into the civilian sector of journalism as a digital content creator and plans to become a showrunner and filmmaker in the genres of comedy, thriller, and documentary.

November 6, 2024
‘Democrats Care About Us’: The Head of El Paso’s Democratic Party Took His Mother’s Words to Heart
Michael Apodaca, the chairman of the El Paso County Democratic Party, is working to keep El Paso blue.

January 1, 2024
Texas Soldiers Stay Fit and Have Some Fun with Gatorball
'Gatorball is a mixture of ultimate football, soccer, and some cardio mixed in.'

December 16, 2023
Collectibles: much more than holiday cheer
Collectibles is a local gift shop in El Paso, Texas that has been in business for over 40 years. Vicky Leanos shared what makes the shop a unique treasure.

November 30, 2023
El Paso teacher discusses Proposition 9
On November 7th, 2023, Texan voters decided on 14 constitutional amendments proposed by state lawmakers. Voters made their voices heard by approving proposition 9 which grants retired teachers with cost of living raises. One teacher, El Paso native Tomoko Wilson, expressed her thoughts on the proposition.

November 10, 2023
Soldiers and Families Celebrate Trunk or Treat
The Division Field Artillery Brigade held its Trunk or Treat event in celebration of Halloween in Fort Bliss, Texas, October 30, 2023. The event served as one of many recognition and cultural activities that the brigade plans every year. It was a much needed segue into the holidays for Soldiers after a year of missions, deployments, and training events that took them around the globe.