Taryn Dee
Miami & LA
Taryn Paulson is a reporter for The Click and a freelance writer, editor and Public Relations professional. Taryn’s work has appeared in Los Angeles Magazine, Cigar and Spirits, California Home and Design among others. Taryn specializes in content in the wellness, beauty, women’s health and animal welfare categories.

May 14, 2024
Uncovering the Reality of Domestic Violence in Miami-Dade County
The volume of domestic violence among immigrants in Miami-Dade county creates questions highlighting the urgent need for reform.

March 24, 2024
Q&A: A Utah OB-GYN Weighs in on Alabama’s Frozen Embryo Ruling
Dr. Sara Fiene, an OB-GYN in Utah, discusses the ramifications of Alabama's Supreme Court decision that embryos are considered children and its impact on reproductive rights, medical ethics, and individual autonomy.

March 19, 2024
Troubled Waters for the Miami Seaquarium
The Miami Seaquarium's troubled past and uncertain future raise important questions about animal welfare, accountability, and oversight of marine life facilities.