Entertainment (Page 7)

March 20, 2022
Broadway Veteran Steps In at the Last Minute to Save Performance
Kathy Voytko is a Broadway veteran who gained her love of performing at a young age.

December 20, 2021
Not Your ‘Babe’: Online Harassment Persists Against Women in Gaming
Women on Twitch and other streaming surfaces face abuse, harassment, and other nefarious tactics as employed by online trolls. In speaking with xMaryBearx and roseriie, we unpack what it means to be a women in gaming in 2021.

December 17, 2021
Harry Styles Sells Out Madison Square Garden for a Two-night Halloween Party
Harry Styles sold out two consecutive nights at Madison Square Garden to host his long anticipated "Harryween" party and concert. He was supported by both Madison Cunningham and Orville Peck.

December 16, 2021
‘Noche de Posadas’ with Becky G
Though Latinx Heritage Month ended on October 15, the Latinx holiday celebrations are only beginning. On Thursday, November 4, Mexican-American singer and actress Rebbeca Marie Gomez, also known as “Becky G,” hosted a virtual launch of her new Christmas-themed makeup collection.

December 15, 2021
Live Entertainment in What has Been a Virtual World
In the beginning of November 2019, Harry Styles announced he would be bringing his second album “Fine Line” on tour, […]