Housing (Page 4)
October 27, 2023
NYC Community Organizer Wants Us to ‘See Hope in Action’
"There are so many different ways to get involved in your community that don't have to be politically related… that will give you a sense of hope," shares Wesley Vasquez, advocacy and organizing manager for RiseBoro Community Partnership.
October 27, 2023
This Grad Student is Fighting for Better Wages and Living Conditions at Her University
University of Maryland vs united graduate students. Graduate housing, stipends, and maternity leave key issues.
September 25, 2023
Portland’s Union Gospel Mission Falls Short in Capital Campaign, Asks for Help
Portland’s Union Gospel Mission needs help to assist women and children facing homelessness on their journey home.
February 14, 2023
Texas Town Weighs Plan for Imperial Sugar Site That Adds Housing While Sidestepping Tainted History
Update would more than double multifamily units for Imperial Historic District
December 8, 2022
Amid San Francisco’s Housing Crisis, a Church’s Plan to Build is Shot Down
Despite San Francisco's housing crisis, supervisors last year unanimously turned down a Tenderloin church's plan to add 316 new units. Why did this happen?