
News (Page 44)

November 6, 2023

Survivor of Teen Domestic Violence Encourages Students to Speak Up

New Jersey woman shares her story of surviving teen dating violence in front of hundreds of high school students.

November 4, 2023

Passionate yet Peaceful: Demonstrators Gather in Times Square Amid Escalating Mideast Conflict

Amidst a backdrop of intensifying Israeli-Palestinian conflict, hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered in Times Square in a largely peaceful, albeit, passionate protest calling for an end to Israel's military operations in Gaza.

November 2, 2023

From Gossip to News: Analyzing DeuxMoi’s Role in Journalism

The gossip Instagram account @deuxmoi engages in acts of news-sharing, but does that make the person behind the account a journalist?

November 2, 2023

Challenging Conventions: ‘Sur Le Front’ and the Importance of Advocacy Journalism

While climate change continues to impact our planet's survival, Hugo Clément, the French journalist and passionate environmental advocate, exposes critical environmental issues in episodes of 'Sur Le Front,' broadcast on France Télévision. These episodes serve as a compelling example of the necessity of advocacy journalism in today's media landscape.

November 2, 2023

Naomi Klein: Uniting Urgency and Advocacy in Climate Journalism

Naomi Klein's advocacy journalism confronts the urgent realities of the climate crisis, challenging traditional journalistic norms and a call to action for change.