News (Page 50)

October 17, 2023
The Work of Almost 30; How They Provide Journalistic Approaches
The boundaries between conventional news organizations and emerging digital platforms are becoming increasingly vague in the constantly evolving field of modern journalism.

October 16, 2023
This Activist is Fighting to Protect LA’s Verdugo Mountains and Wildlife
"It's a critical wildlife crossing area for mountain lions and black bears and many other mammals and is about to be destroyed for a luxury gated community," activist Emma Kemp said.

October 16, 2023
Diving with Purpose: Brian Valdes’ Quest for Ocean Conservation
“Once you become a diver, you get to see firsthand how we affect the ocean," Valdes said.

October 16, 2023
New traffic policies angering residents in Frankfurt’s Nordend neighborhood
“The road closures have created artificial traffic jams that are affecting the entire city.”

October 11, 2023
Riverside County’s New Courthouse Records Clerk
Q&A with Riverside County’s new Records Clerk who recently transitioned from being a full time college student and how she is handling that transition.