Politics (Page 55)
October 23, 2019
Case Study: Gita Jackson Finds Humanity in the Dispassionate Internet
Control, released in August 2019, is the latest game by the creators of Max Payne and Alan Wake. Photo credit: […]
October 15, 2019
How Far Are ‘Lizard People’ from the White House?
Former sports broadcaster David Icke claims that shapeshifting reptilians control the world, masquerading as our trusted political leaders. He’s built a business around it, writing books and selling out public talks around the world for years. How far are his far-out theories from those that grip the current White House, and are they related?
October 15, 2019
Case Study: Behind The Words of The Transit Guy
( NEW YORK ) — You’ll eventually know him as The Transit Guy, but for now you probably know him […]
October 15, 2019
Pineapple Pizza Debate: Which Side Are You On?
Pineapple pizza has been around since 1954, when a Greek immigrant created the combination. Some love the combo of sweet and salty, while others cannot stand the mixture.
October 15, 2019
Get Lucid: How To Harness Your Own Virtual Reality with Lucid Dreaming
Photo by By Fizke via Shutter Stock What if you could fly through the air, travel to Paris, and go on […]