
December 16, 2024
‘We’re All So Smart, Just Not Given Those Resources:’ How Education Can Transform California’s Justice System
As California's progress to rehabilitation faces new challenges, education emerges as a beacon of hope. Grassroots efforts, community-based initiatives, and advocates are leading the way in reshaping the state's criminal justice system.

May 10, 2024
Opinion: Jorge Ramos’ Inability to Separate Journalism and Activism
Immigration policies and politics undermine the integrity of Jorge Ramos' journalism.

December 7, 2023
Serving Up Change: ‘Local Legends’ as Advocacy Journalism
Former Bon-Appetit editor Brad Leone, launches a solo-Youtube show that tackles advocacy within the food industry.

November 8, 2023
Human Rights Watch Advocates for Migrant Rights Amid Ongoing Operation Lone Star Injustices
The organization asserts that, under Operation Lone Star, officials placed razor wire in areas of the river where crossing is easier, trapping and injuring some migrants while pushing others to attempt crossing at riskier locations.

November 7, 2023
Advocacy Journalism Done Right
In the age of digital journalism, where the line between opinion and fact often blurs, it's essential to recognize and appreciate articles that adhere to ethical principles even while championing a cause.