ethics in journalism

December 20, 2023
Podcast: Smoke Rings: The Journalistic Ethics of Hyping New Tech
Paige Willett and Kate Mays discuss the ethics of trendsetting in journalism, focusing on tech industry reporting, including a critical look at Juul's portrayal in media and its impact on vaping trends and teen usage.

December 22, 2022
Opinion: Addicted to Regurgitation – Churnalists at Large
Everyone’s doing it. And everyone knows that it’s wrong. Churnalism is a big part of our media cycle, and like all things, it’s getting worse. Churnalism is nothing more than an attempt to get clicks by repeating what everyone else says

November 16, 2022
Podcast: Troubling Trends in True Crime
The "true crime" genre continues to trend upwards in terms of production, consumption, and financial gain. But for journalists, is engaging with this genre ethical?

July 20, 2022
Podcast: Showing Diversity in Broadcast News
Newsrooms across the country have pledged increased diversity and inclusion in their newsrooms. But are they willing to do so […]

January 26, 2022
Opinion: Applying Ethics of Care to Trauma Reporting
“With ethics of care, you have an obligation to care for the particular person in front of you," said Jeff Nielsen, a professor of philosophy and ethics.