Texas True Crime Podcaster Vincent Strange Talks Challenges, Cold Cases


October 24, 2021


Law & Justice


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FORT WORTH, Texas — Proud Texan and true crime podcaster Vincent Strange has a lot to say.

His podcast “Gone Cold” currently sits at 170,000 downloads a month, with episodes coming out weekly. And it all started nearly 50 years ago after a 17-year-old girl was kidnapped and murdered in Fort Worth.

Strange sat down with The Click for a Q&A — which has been edited for length and clarity— to discuss his experience podcasting, his elaborate coverage of Carla Walker’s case, and his advice for those just starting out.

Carla Walker [Credit: Justice for Carla Walker Facebook page]

The Click: Tell us a little bit about yourself and Gone Cold. What made you really want to get started covering true crime cases, especially those that took place in Texas?

Strange: My partner and I, Erica — stumbled across the story of Carla Walker in 1974. And… it kind of occurred to us that it was a case that well, not only is it in our backyard… but it’s also a case that maybe could be solved. So we kind of brainstormed on how to proceed with that… What do we write? A book? What can we write up?… A series of articles, blogs? Whatever. None of it really seemed like it would put the story out there and a podcast occurred to us because we listened to podcasts… and that seemed like the best way to go… Anybody could do a podcast.

The Click: And so, you mentioned that you tend to cover lesser-known cases, what has that experience been like for you? I know a lot of true crime podcasters kind of go with the big cases, the big names to get the most clicks, what is it like to do the opposite of that?

Strange: It’s rewarding. To have people appreciate that [you’re] bringing light to a specific case is, I mean, there’s just nothing better than that. And all these stories — all of them — deserve equal treatment. They’re all unsolved, we’ve covered some that are a little bigger than others, and that’s fine, but they’re all equally important. We’d like to try to help those families and those stories, those victims… It’s just kind of our mission.

The Click: What separates or differentiates the cases that get a lot of media coverage versus the ones that don’t?

Strange: I think there’s so many factors. I think it has a lot to do with the police jurisdiction handling them. I think that there are issues with covering minorities in the press. I think that’s a huge issue. We saw it recently with the Gabby Petito case… These stories with gruesome details seem to be kind of what sells.

The Click: Not only did you cover her [Carla’s] case so extensively, but you also covered it while it was going to trial. Could you explain to me what that process was like and seeing it from the legal system and also working alongside Walker’s family — the emotions that were going through them and you as well?

Strange: It was emotional. Extremely emotional. I have gotten to know Carla’s siblings, Jim and Cindy, pretty well and so this kind of real-time sitting in a courtroom with the person who you know killed Carla. That’s pretty heavy… Cindy and Jim and all Carla’s friends were there. They’re going through a range of emotions… reliving what happened on top of the satisfaction and the happiness that they’re getting answers, finally. There’s finally answers, finally justice. In the last couple of weeks, it’s kind of hitting me to where, “Wow, this is resolved. This is over.” And as Jim Walker likes to put it, it’s time to focus on other cold cases.

The Click: The podcast is three years and about 170 episodes deep. That said, what do you think has been your biggest challenge so far?

Strange: I think just getting started was the most difficult thing. I had zero confidence. I didn’t want to be the host at first. I’ve only recently kind of built some confidence so challenges have been, I mean, everything from technical aspects [like] microphones to finding the right cases.

The Click: A lot of people are looking to get into the podcasting game, so being in it for three years now, what advice would you give?

Strange: It can be very discouraging. So, if you’re really passionate about it, just keep going. Do your research. Get the facts as straight as possible… Just don’t give up.

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