Archive (Page 135)

sexual assault prevention in Fort Bliss, Texas

May 15, 2022

Fort Bliss Has a Problem with Sexual Assault. How Do Its Leaders Plan to Fix it?

In a 2018 report, the Research and Development (RAND) Corporation identified Army installations with the highest sexual assault incidents, which included Fort Hood and Fort Bliss in Texas and Fort Stewart, Georgia as the top three. While Fort Hood attracts much of the media’s attention with its highest incidents of sexual assault, Fort Bliss holds the second highest sexual assault incidents out of all installations, a statistic apparently unfamiliar to Fort Bliss leaders.

Senate Judiciary Committee

May 14, 2022

Senate Tackles FOIA Foibles Amid Pandemic Challenges

“Federal agencies have doubled their use of [FOIA] exemptions to withhold information from the public,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley. “The Government Accountability Office found that 25 federal agencies didn’t report a single proactive disclosure. Now, how is that possible?”

PLG Coffee House

May 14, 2022

How One Brooklyn Coffee Shop Survived the Pandemic

While keeping its doors open during the pandemic was hard, Prospect Lefferts Gardens Coffee House and Tavern, a Black-owned cafe in Flatbush managed to stay afloat.

May 14, 2022

The Furgotten: The Los Angeles Abandoned Animal Crisis

The amount of animals surrendered by their owners has more than doubled since 2021. As of April 25th, all six Los Angeles animal shelters have reached capacity, and some are reportedly so packed that animals have to share kennels. With this rise, many animal lovers and rescue organizations have had to step up in order to help the situation as best as possible.

May 11, 2022

Welcome to Little Caribbean: No Fear of Gentrification Here

“It’s not easy, but we managed to keep it ours," says one resident. "We’re not going to give it up.”