Mia Faye Kreindler (Page 2)
New York + Frankfurt
Mia is a reporter for the Click. She’s an aspiring journalist who splits her time between Frankfurt, Germany, and New York City. She graduated from the University of Amsterdam with a B.S in Political Science and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in journalism at NYU.
November 8, 2023
Navigating Generative AI in Journalism
The creative minds that always seemed untouchable are suddenly just as vulnerable from being replaced by the Übermensch capacities of generative AI
November 7, 2023
Advocacy Journalism Done Right
In the age of digital journalism, where the line between opinion and fact often blurs, it's essential to recognize and appreciate articles that adhere to ethical principles even while championing a cause.
November 6, 2023
A Complicated Identity
Dr. Ruth Zeifert, a German Israeli patrilineal Jew, explores what it means to be a patrilineal Jew in Germany
October 26, 2023
Polarizing Traffic Policies in Frankfurt’s Nordend Neighborhood
Frankfurt is often called “Mainhattan,” a play on Manhattan, as it is Germany’s financial capital and the only city in Germany with skyscrapers.
October 17, 2023
Jan Böhmermann: When Satire and Journalism Cross Paths
In embracing the evolving terrain of journalism, we acknowledge that journalism is not static but flexible, with Böhmermann as a compelling example of what a journalist in the 21st century can look like.