Broadway Dresser Brings Design Skills to Mask Making


April 2, 2021


Arts, Health


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(NEW YORK, N.Y.) — Karli Brae was dressing performers for the Broadway production of Mean Girls when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. The theater business shut down, but she decided to use her professional skills to make masks for people in need. 

Brae’s family jumped in to help out with her mask making project by finding patterns and cutting fabric. As she realized the pandemic was going to last longer than anticipated, she started creating different collections: trendy, stylish, and even holiday inspired. 

“I try to find the beauty of everything in life,” said Brae. “It’s not convenient to wear a mask, I know, but I think we all want to take of ourselves and each other. If I could make that more beautiful for anyone, then I think I’ve done my job.”

Brae has made more than 550 masks during the pandemic. She charges $8 to $10 per mask and says she’s earned enough money to support herself, despite Broadway’s shutdown. 

She’s also made enough to help others, giving to organizations like The Farmworker Project, which helped Californians affected by the wildfires last year. 

If you have any interest in purchasing a mask from Karli, you can contact her on her Instagram: @Karlibrae.

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