Culture (Page 22)

December 20, 2021
Gen Z’s Spiritual Awakening on TikTok
(NEW YORK) – Halyna Krylyuk grew up in the Greek Orthodox community and has always been interested in spirituality. These […]

December 20, 2021
Two Chicago Actors on Navigating Life During Theater Shutdowns
(CHICAGO) — Adia Alli and Sonia Goldberg are twentysomething actors in Roger’s Park, Chicago, who have worked in the performing […]

December 20, 2021
Chicano Park Murals Still Speak Truth After 50 Years
Barrio Logan's neighborhood holds so much history with its Chicano murals, painted in Chicano Park, which represent Mexican-American experience from immigration to modern day environmental concerns. This is a locally beloved park for many of its residents.

December 20, 2021
Nitika Chopra Is Breaking Mental Health Taboos for South Asian Americans
A South Asian American woman is helping to normalize dialogue around chronic illness and mental health in her community.

December 20, 2021
Not Your ‘Babe’: Online Harassment Persists Against Women in Gaming
Women on Twitch and other streaming surfaces face abuse, harassment, and other nefarious tactics as employed by online trolls. In speaking with xMaryBearx and roseriie, we unpack what it means to be a women in gaming in 2021.