Opinion (Page 10)

December 22, 2022
Opinion: Addicted to Regurgitation – Churnalists at Large
Everyone’s doing it. And everyone knows that it’s wrong. Churnalism is a big part of our media cycle, and like all things, it’s getting worse. Churnalism is nothing more than an attempt to get clicks by repeating what everyone else says

December 5, 2022
Opinion: Can a Newspaper Follow the North Star?
Frederick Douglass's North Star newspaper was advocacy journalism and ethical journalism at its finest, which is why it helped the United States transform into a better country.

November 16, 2022
They’re Not All Winners in The President’s Club
In 2018, The Financial Times sent Marriage undercover to the annual dinner held at The Dorchester Hotel in London to investigate claims of sexual harassment made by former female employees.

November 15, 2022
Opinion: Jim West’s Story — How Anonymity Poisoned Everything
Undercover work and anonymous sourcing are invaluable when it comes to journalism. The public has the right to know a lot. Additionally, the safety of a city, especially when it comes to potentially predatory public officials, is paramount. Even so, stories need to be sourced smartly. This one was not.

November 11, 2022
The Case for Reparations: The Pinnacle of Advocacy Journalism
(LOS ANGELES) — Ta-Nehisi Coates’s The Case for Reparations is a seminal piece of journalism, representing the very best of advocacy […]