Archive (Page 308)

December 10, 2019

A Wisconsin Church Adapts to the Digital Age

As social media continues to find new ways to interject itself into people’s daily routine, the Madison, Wis. evangelical church, Blackhawk Church, is learning how to evolve with changing technology and social media’s prevalence in everyday life. 

December 10, 2019

As This Louisville Neighborhood Changes, Can It Avoid Pushing Residents Out?

Shelby Park is a neighborhood undergoing the familiar changes that can be seen in countless cities. As residents struggle to access groceries, pharmacies and other services, art galleries, whiskey bars, and cafes have opened in the old buildings along the main thoroughfares. The change has attracted new residents and visitors, while the cost of living has steadily increased.

December 10, 2019

Harlem School Hosts Annual Harvest Fest Celebrating Many Cultures

Global Community Charter School in Harlem, New York hosted its annual Harvest Fest celebration with food, fun, and facts from […]

December 10, 2019

This Working-Class New Jersey Town Found a New Focus

Lambertville, NJ was once known as a small, blue-collar rivertown built on industry which changed face over time becoming an arts haven attracting a creative community with notable paintings praised around the world.

December 10, 2019

The Journalist Who Exposed Sexual Misconduct on Capitol Hill Long Before #MeToo

How reporter Florence Graves persuaded women to share their story of sexual harassment by a U.S. Senator in the 1990s.