Archive (Page 71)

October 23, 2023
Teddy Siegel: Flushing Out Inequities in New York City’s Bathroom Crisis
When you got to go in NYC, Teddy Siegel has got your back and your bum.

October 23, 2023
The Jonathan Van Ness Effect: Transforming Modern Journalism
Van Ness may not call themself a journalist, arguably many would not. Yet they continue to push the boundaries of modern storytelling, with a keen eye on discerning misinformation and a focus on lending their voice to some of the most controversial and important topics for vulnerable communities today.

October 20, 2023
A Fresh Flag for Ann Arbor’s Bicentennial: City Launches Design Competition
The goal is to replace the current flag for the city’s bicentennial celebration next year.

October 20, 2023
Education and Criminal Justice Advocate Begins Race for Oklahoma State Senate
"I feel really compelled personally — that I have a responsibility to be a part of making our community better," Brewer said.

October 20, 2023
Portland’s Prime Minister of the Royal Rosarians Aims to Bring Joy Back to The Rose City
Everything’s coming up roses for the newest Prime Minister of the Royal Rosarians, Mike Ware. Having persevered through difficult times, Portland looks to this volunteer-led group to highlight the city's good.