Aneela Mirchandani
San Francisco, Calif.
Aneela Mirchandani is a software engineer, a writer at The Odd Post, and a graduate student in American Journalism at NYU. She is particularly interested in how social media algorithms are exploited to spread disinformation. Several of her pieces at The Odd Post are the result of open-source, internet sleuthing. She has had works of fiction and poetry published in literary journals such as Indian P.E.N. and Harpur Palate.

November 1, 2023
Media Pedia: A New Way to Follow the News
Media Pedia is a new way to leverage AI to inform the reader about the quality of a news article.

December 8, 2022
Amid San Francisco’s Housing Crisis, a Church’s Plan to Build is Shot Down
Despite San Francisco's housing crisis, supervisors last year unanimously turned down a Tenderloin church's plan to add 316 new units. Why did this happen?

November 9, 2022
Nancy Pelosi Retains Her San Francisco Seat, Speakership Uncertain
Nancy Pelosi defeats John Dennis in California's 11th district

November 6, 2022
Meet the Republican Taking on Nancy Pelosi in Her Home Turf
You may not have heard of him, but he is running to unseat the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. He is John Dennis, Republican from San Francisco.

November 4, 2022
Judge Limits Ballot Box Vigilantes in Arizona
A US District Court judge in Arizona blocked a QAnon conspiracy-theory-based vigilante group from intimidating voters at ballot boxes.