
Admin Categories (do not use) (Page 11)

September 10, 2022

Qatar Tests its Final World Cup Stadium During Lusail Super Cup

Qatar's recently built Lusail Stadium, located in the newly-planned Lusail City, will be repurposed into a community space after the World Cup.

a keyboard that reads "doxxing"

August 15, 2022

Opinion: Why Is It Hard for Journalists To Understand What ‘Doxxing’ Is?

Journalism instruction needs to change and newsrooms need to make sure their journalists are aware of what doxxing is, what it means, and how to properly report on it because failing to do so is damaging public perception of ACTUAL journalism.

May 14, 2022

The Furgotten: The Los Angeles Abandoned Animal Crisis

The amount of animals surrendered by their owners has more than doubled since 2021. As of April 25th, all six Los Angeles animal shelters have reached capacity, and some are reportedly so packed that animals have to share kennels. With this rise, many animal lovers and rescue organizations have had to step up in order to help the situation as best as possible.

April 19, 2022

NYC Apartment Workers May Go On Strike Due To Benefit Cuts

For Marcin Zacowicz, taking out piles of trash is just another part of his daily routine. But for New York […]

April 18, 2022

A South African Cult Survivor on How She Became a ‘Shadow Child’

(RYE, N.Y.) —Erika Bornman sits across from an imposing man with graying hair and a ruddy complexion. He’s always impeccably […]