Education (Page 8)

December 15, 2021
Frazier Martial Arts Creates Successful Futures, One Roundhouse Kick at a Time
"The mats provide a soft spot for the kids to land when they fall, but with encouragement from their peers and teachers, they get up and try again. Guzman watches, confident the lessons her students master will help them thrive beyond their time in the studio, just as they did for her."

December 13, 2021
A Black Queer Author and a Florida Student Stand Up to Censorship
George M. Johnson, author of the memoir "All Boys Aren't Blue," learned a school library in Kansas City had pulled their book from library shelves in November after a librarian tagged them in a Facebook post.

December 13, 2021
How COVID-19 Affected College: One Student’s Story
(TAMPA, Fla.) — An athlete, a scholar, and an aspiring journalist, Joshua McDonald is 19 years old and a sophomore […]

December 12, 2021
A Denver Professor on How She Uses Her Blog to Rethink Academia
(DENVER) — The term “edupunk” wasn’t coined by Elizabeth Kleinfeld, but if the idea had a poster child, Kleinfeld would […]

December 7, 2021
A Maryland Man Finds Purpose Through Giving
Jose Cooper was a typical kid and teenager; more than anything, he cared about his favorite sport: soccer. “Up until […]