Business (Page 3)

May 4, 2022
Starbucks Workers Fight to Unionize in Pacific Northwest
“Starbucks has done an incredible job at using scare tactics and making people afraid of retaliation,” says one worker leading the effort at her store.

April 6, 2022
Mini-Book Has Closed, But the Story Lives on
Mini-Book founded in 1975 was not just a bookstore, but a place for people to meet and read. We sat down with the last owner, Judy Freed, to discuss the revered spot for book lovers.

February 7, 2022
Content Houses Are Going Industrial: Behind the Scenes of Social Media’s Biggest Trend
Until one method proves to generate the best result, every model of the content house will keep creating content and we’ll keep consuming it.

December 15, 2021
Frazier Martial Arts Creates Successful Futures, One Roundhouse Kick at a Time
"The mats provide a soft spot for the kids to land when they fall, but with encouragement from their peers and teachers, they get up and try again. Guzman watches, confident the lessons her students master will help them thrive beyond their time in the studio, just as they did for her."

November 29, 2021
This Is the Company Backing Some of Your Favorite Gaming Creators
AFK Creators is changing the way we think of professional gaming.