pandemic (Page 4)

November 14, 2021
Live Hawaiian Music Raises Spirits During COVID-19
“We didn’t come back to make money, but just to help because this is like home to us.”

November 11, 2021
How COVID-19 Changed a Small Business Forever
“When you don't support your community, and you start going to outside places, then your community can't survive."

November 11, 2021
Italian Songwriter LIET Debuts Her New Album
“It is still quite strange to see people sitting down during a concert,” the artist told The Click.

October 19, 2021
Movie Theaters and COVID-19: How a Pandemic Made an Impact on Theaters in Westchester New York
COVID-19 has put the world on a hold. Everyone was stuck at home with movies. When all of the mandatory […]

October 17, 2021
Will the Popular Orange Plaza Paseo Remain Open?
Residents are divided on whether the pedestrian only section is an improvement or a nuisance