Archive (Page 298)

August 10, 2020
Seven Facts About the Online Master’s in Journalism Program at NYU
The spread of the coronavirus has meant that universities around the country have been forced to embrace online classes. But, […]

August 9, 2020
The Online Master’s in Journalism Program: What We’ve Learned So Far
We had no idea what to expect when we launched the American Journalism Online Master’s Program last year. We didn’t […]

June 10, 2020
Will the Reduction in Air Pollution Last After the COVID-19 Pandemic?
The COVID-19 pandemic has the majority of the world at a standstill. Factories have stopped operating, air travel has significantly […]

April 21, 2020
Stumbling into the Food Sector with Danielle Wiener-Bronner
“I always loved writing, but I never planned to be a journalist. Frankly, I never thought I could get someone to pay me to write.” Danielle Wiener-Bronner said of her entry into the world of journalism. After polishing her craft through gigs at Thomson Reuters, The Wire, and Fusion Media Group, Wiener-Bronner began her work at what was formerly CNNMoney. When it was relaunched as CNN Business, she was assigned to the food beat. With her background in economics, she brings a unique angle to her writing, zeroing in on the intersection of food and business.
April 21, 2020
Miss New Jersey International 2018: Gigi Joaquin
She’s beauty and she’s grace, she’s… Miss New Jersey US International 2018, Geomarilyn Joaquin. But her friends call her Gigi. […]