
Culture (Page 60)

November 24, 2019

I Walked in the NYC Veterans Day Parade

It is a cold and sunny day on November 11th in New York City. A perfect day for a walk in Central Park and a hot green tea, but I am reminded that it is the Veterans Day Parade on 5th Avenue. 

November 24, 2019

Podcast: A Conversation with Comedy’s Rich Murphy

On the premiere episode of “Casual Convo With Marsha”, entertainment industry veteran and manager-to-the-stars, Rich Murphy, discusses his humble beginnings […]

November 24, 2019

He’s BAAACK! Eddie Murphy is Returning to Stand-up Comedy

Eddie Murphy will be bringing the funny in 2020!  According to several news outlets, including an article in The New […]

November 21, 2019

The Fake Sheikh

For 25 years, an undercover British journalist sensationalized the front pages of tabloid magazines with reports that exposed the dirty secrets and habits of royals, celebrities, and athletes. Known as the “Fake Sheikh” or the “King of the Sting,” his face and true name remained a mystery to the millions of readers who enjoyed (or feared) his stories. In 2014, a very public trial exposed not only the identity of the journalist but blew the door open over questions of ethics, lies, and if the measures used by this journalist qualified as journalism or manipulation. 

November 19, 2019

These Young Riders Are Not Just Horsing Around: Equestrian Sport in The Bahamas

Camperdown Equestrian Centre is a not-for-profit riding facility that was founded in 1970 in the Camperdown neighborhood in Nassau, The Bahamas. Equestrian Bahamas, which became a federation in 2013, has partnered with Camperdown, The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture and the Bahamas Olympics Committee to bring more awareness to the sport, more international exposure and to train riders and horses for international and Olympic events.