Culture (Page 35)

May 8, 2021
For Better and Worse, Change Arrives in Flagler Village
Flagler Village in Fort Lauderdale used to be home to drugs, murder, and prostitution but now finds itself home to […]

May 6, 2021
In Secaucus, Outlet Malls Give Way to Commuters’ Paradise
With more than 60 factory outlets all competing for New Yorkers and bargain hunters from the tri-state region, Secaucus has long been regarded as a shopper’s paradise. With a shift in the retail economy, that is changing. The town has witnessed a steady influx of new residents seeking affordable homes near New York City. Some residents worry about overcrowding as new residents move in.

May 1, 2021
NYC Singer Receives Acclaim From The Lumineers
(NEW YORK) – During the pandemic, singer and songwriter Elliot Greer wrote an entire album. Not just any album, the […]

April 14, 2021
Advocates Share Wisdom on Transgender Day of Visibility
Over 400 people tuned in to a Facebook Live panel event held in recognition of Transgender Day of Visibility on […]

April 12, 2021
Sister Souljah on Her New Novel and Writing From the Soul
Author, rapper and political activist Sister Souljah promised: “adventure, passion and every single word exploding in your soul or mind” […]