
Features (Page 25)

November 12, 2023

White Cane Awareness Day Comes to Portland Highlighting Safety for the Visually Impaired

Mayor Ted Wheeler proclaimed Oct. 15 to be White Cane Awareness Day during a Portland City Council meeting. The annual event aims to educate people about white canes and guide dogs as symbols of independence and the right to safe travel for those who are visually diverse.

November 10, 2023

LA Lions’ Female AAPI Players Reflect Hockey’s Growing Diversity

New roots on the ice

November 10, 2023

Soldiers and Families Celebrate Trunk or Treat

The Division Field Artillery Brigade held its Trunk or Treat event in celebration of Halloween in Fort Bliss, Texas, October 30, 2023. The event served as one of many recognition and cultural activities that the brigade plans every year. It was a much needed segue into the holidays for Soldiers after a year of missions, deployments, and training events that took them around the globe.

Computer generated image of a brain in two halves. One half is made up of a computer circuit.

November 8, 2023

Navigating Generative AI in Journalism

The creative minds that always seemed untouchable are suddenly just as vulnerable from being replaced by the Übermensch capacities of generative AI

sisters and owners of DRIP Espresso sit in coffee shop

November 8, 2023

DRIP Espresso Crafts the Perfect Blend of Community and Culture in Sacramento

DRIP Espresso is the vision of three sisters, Jasmine Bronson, Keiona Williamson, and Taylor White. They are co-owners of one of the few black-owned and woman-owned businesses in California’s Capital city.