Features (Page 25)
November 6, 2023
A Complicated Identity
Dr. Ruth Zeifert, a German Israeli patrilineal Jew, explores what it means to be a patrilineal Jew in Germany
November 4, 2023
Fandom Transcends Cultural Divide at New York Comic Con
The Click attends the cross-cultural bazaar of Comic Con.
November 3, 2023
Halloween Window Painting in Rye Celebrates 70th Anniversary
Halloween in Rye, New York - and on Storefront Windows
November 2, 2023
A Look At The Oakland Museum of California’s 29th Annual Dia de Los Muertos Celebration
Dia de Los Muertos at the Oakland Museum
November 2, 2023
From Gossip to News: Analyzing DeuxMoi’s Role in Journalism
The gossip Instagram account @deuxmoi engages in acts of news-sharing, but does that make the person behind the account a journalist?