News (Page 103)

November 28, 2021
‘The Future is Still Unknown’ for This Pasadena Theater
The Playhouse District is a pillar of the Pasadena community. Deep within the center of it is the Laemmle Playhouse 7, a family-owned movie theater that has resided in Pasadena since 1999. Known for their exquisitely cozy locations, indie films from all over the world and deliciously buttered popcorn.

November 25, 2021
Dateline’s Slippery Slope: Undercover Reporting Prostitution in the Philippines
(BAYONNE, NJ) — Undercover reporting when done correctly can be a powerful tool that leads to public justice. However, it […]

November 25, 2021
Uncovering the Truth Behind Thailand’s Largest Wet Market
Liam Bartlett, along with environmental and human rights investigator Steven Galster, masked-up with 60 Minutes to reveal how Thailand’s largest market, the Chatutak Market, was handling the threat of the coronavirus.

November 23, 2021
Ellen’s Stardust Diner Welcomes Back Customers
On Nov. 16, the popular tourist spot opened its doors for the first time since 2020.

November 22, 2021
A West Texas Coffeeshop Known for a Culture of Kindness Is Opening Its First Bar
Palace Coffee has always been a place that values culture over cash — now it's bringing that same vision to a new bar.