News (Page 116)

October 27, 2021
National Geographic’s Wildlife Watch Spotlights Importance of Advocacy Journalism
I’ve never thought about how I could help fight the illegal cheetah cub trade until reading about it in National […]

October 27, 2021
When Investigative Health Journalism is Advocacy, the Little Guy Wins
Acting as a counterweight for money and politics distinguishes between “good guys” and “bad guys,” and when UVA did not immediately resolve the problems that Hancock and Lucas pointed out in their original investigation, the journalists reacted through additional reporting.

October 27, 2021
Why ‘The Moratorium Saved Us. It Really Did.’ Qualifies As Advocacy Journalism
Advocacy journalism has a long history in America. From Ida B. Wells’s heroic investigations into Southern lynchings in the late […]

October 26, 2021
Chicago’s Vaccine Mandate for CTA Workers is Now in Effect
(CHICAGO) – The Chicago Transit Authority is one of the latest major agencies to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for their employees […]

October 26, 2021
Advocacy & Ethics in The Guardian’s Climate Change Reporting
In The Guardian, Emma Bryce’s article, ‘Kowbucha, seaweed, vaccines: the race to reduce cows’ methane emission,’ embodies climate advocacy. Bryce’s […]