News (Page 135)

May 7, 2021
Journalist and Poet Anthony Orozco Believes in the Power of Storytelling
“I love to talk about the process of writing poetry,” says Anthony Orozco. “It’s sort of like magic,” Orozco said. […]

May 6, 2021
In Secaucus, Outlet Malls Give Way to Commuters’ Paradise
With more than 60 factory outlets all competing for New Yorkers and bargain hunters from the tri-state region, Secaucus has long been regarded as a shopper’s paradise. With a shift in the retail economy, that is changing. The town has witnessed a steady influx of new residents seeking affordable homes near New York City. Some residents worry about overcrowding as new residents move in.
May 4, 2021
Maryland Chooses Police Reform in Midst of National Reckoning
In the same week Minnesota police shot and killed 20-year-old Black man Daunte Wright at a traffic stop, Maryland lawmakers took […]

May 4, 2021
A Team of Refugees Had a Plan to Fight COVID-19 in Georgia’s Most Diverse County. It’s Working.
(ATLANTA) – It would be hard to miss the large white truck with the giant black and yellow logo shuttling […]

May 4, 2021
Three Illinois Towns Merge in Bid to Escape Existential Threat: Vanishing Forever
(CAHOKIA, Illinois) — Arianna Norris-Landry, 60, moved to the small Illinois town of Cahokia six years ago, when her son […]