
Opinion (Page 21)

A boat on its side in the ocean

December 2, 2021

Opinion: Risking It All To Report On What Others Are Risking

Oftentimes, journalists go undercover because there is a danger to themselves if they do not. In the case of writer Luke Mogelson and photographer Joel van Houdt, they went undercover in order to put themselves directly in danger. 

man hiding his face

December 1, 2021

Podcast: “Journalisnt,” The Ethical Dilemmas of Reporting on the Ashley Madison Hack

We preserve the integrity of the media, and our own professional integrity by being highly selective about what kind of information we share with the public.

Podcast Episode The Debate Tucker Carlson

November 29, 2021

Podcast: “The Debate” Considers Whether or Not Tucker Carlson Is a Journalist

"The Debate" podcast discusses whether Tucker Carlson should be considered a journalist.

November 25, 2021

Opinion: Undercover Reporting as a Last Resort in Italy

(FLORENCE) — A recent undercover report published on, conducted by reporters Salvatore Garzillo, Sacha Biazzo, and Luigi Scarano with videomaker […]

November 25, 2021

Opinion: Rolling Stone Risks Rock Bottom With Anonymous Sources

By cooperating with the House investigators, the sources could protect themselves from the possibility of legal action having been in these planning meetings.  They separate themselves from the insurrectionists and those that tried to overturn the election.