entrepreneurship (Page 2)

October 30, 2019
A Photographer of a Different Breed: This Entrepreneur Found her Niche in Horse Photography
Cara Taylor Swift uses her years of equine knowledge and training to run Fast Horse Photography, a successful horse photography business in North Florida.

October 30, 2019
A 23-Year-Old Finds Big Opportunity in the New CBD Industry
Alex Sourry in Pueblo, Colorado learning the CBD Business. Credit: Tim Drennan “Try pitching to your father that you’re going […]

October 30, 2019
A Podcast Startup Reveals the Cainozoic Era of Entrepreneurship
Smeeth is designing his podcast slogan with his friend. Photo by Smeeth Los Angeles, Calif. – Smeeth, a native Chinese […]

October 30, 2019
Scratch Kitchen: Opening A New Kind of Restaurant Business
Like many Americans, Peggy Garbe dreamed of someday quitting her day job to turn her passion into a business. In spring of 2019, she was able to make the transition from marketing specialist to owner of her own successful small business.

October 30, 2019
Entrepreneur Revels in Success of Turning Crafts Into a Career
Right off of the Capitol Square in Madison, Wisc., Revel is putting a modern spin on a DIY studio. Walk into the drop-in craft bar and you'll be presented with a menu of DIY crafts to choose from. Once you've selected a project, grab a seat and the colorfully dressed, midwest nice staff will bring you a tray with all the supplies needed to complete your project.