Business (Page 34)

October 30, 2019
Entrepreneur Revels in Success of Turning Crafts Into a Career
Right off of the Capitol Square in Madison, Wisc., Revel is putting a modern spin on a DIY studio. Walk into the drop-in craft bar and you'll be presented with a menu of DIY crafts to choose from. Once you've selected a project, grab a seat and the colorfully dressed, midwest nice staff will bring you a tray with all the supplies needed to complete your project.

October 15, 2019
Library in a Box Supports Free Community Book Exchange
Little Free Libraries are free book exchanges opened by individuals or groups in a community. As standalone units, ranging from small boxes to walk-in hollowed out trees, these libraries are run voluntarily by the community rather than a paid library staff funded by the government.

October 13, 2019
Modi Calls for Women’s Empowerment As the Job Rate for Indian Women Plummets
In a recent U.S. address, India's prime minister called for empowering women although the country has one of the fastest falling rates of women participating in the workforce in the world.

October 10, 2019
Case Study: A MarketWatch Reporter Breaks Down The Business Of Beyond Meat
A Beyond Meat Burger (Source: Beyond Meat Press Kit) PHILADELPHIA, Penn. — Tonya Garcia has been a reporter at MarketWatch […]

October 6, 2019
Case Study: Reporter Lands Exclusive Take on Cannabis Vaping
Photo by Isabella Mendes from Pexels NEW YORK — Despite her young age, 24-year-old reporter Hannah Frishberg already has hundreds […]