
Features (Page 112)

Joe Rogan interviewing Elon Musk

October 8, 2019

Media Criticism: Podcaster Joe Rogan Is Making News His Own Way

Podcaster Joe Rogan has a knack for eliciting a candor rarely seen in public figures, bringing a new roundness to the flat personas so many of those figures have carved.

Film poster of the documentary “Very Young Girls”

October 8, 2019

Case Study: Documentarian Aims to “Change the Narrative” of Teenage Prostitution

The shocking difference in laws and treatment between domestic and internationally trafficked teenage girls in the United States in the early 2000s led filmmaker David Schisgall on a mission to change the narrative of prostitution in the country.

October 6, 2019

Case Study: Reporter Philip Yee Investigates Chinatown Restaurants Accused of Abusing Fowl

Photo by Cong Grace Sui LOS ANGELES – Yee goes to extreme measures to cover his stories. For example, in […]

October 6, 2019

Case Study: Reporter Lands Exclusive Take on Cannabis Vaping

Photo by Isabella Mendes from Pexels NEW YORK — Despite her young age, 24-year-old reporter Hannah Frishberg already has hundreds […]

October 6, 2019

Case study: Jack El-Hai on Why He Wrote a Book on Lobotomies

NEW YORK – Jack El-Hai is a writer effortlessly capable of making the unfathomable seem inevitable. As former President of the American Society of Journalists and Authors he has worked to create systems that ensure the fair and ethical treatment of freelancers and staff writers across state lines.