Features (Page 112)
October 6, 2019
Case Study: Reporter Philip Yee Investigates Chinatown Restaurants Accused of Abusing Fowl
Photo by Cong Grace Sui LOS ANGELES – Yee goes to extreme measures to cover his stories. For example, in […]
October 6, 2019
Case Study: Reporter Lands Exclusive Take on Cannabis Vaping
Photo by Isabella Mendes from Pexels NEW YORK — Despite her young age, 24-year-old reporter Hannah Frishberg already has hundreds […]
October 6, 2019
Case study: Jack El-Hai on Why He Wrote a Book on Lobotomies
NEW YORK – Jack El-Hai is a writer effortlessly capable of making the unfathomable seem inevitable. As former President of the American Society of Journalists and Authors he has worked to create systems that ensure the fair and ethical treatment of freelancers and staff writers across state lines.
October 6, 2019
Case Study: A Heartbreaking Hurricane Story Heard Around the World
NASSAU, The Bahamas - Dorian was the strongest hurricane to ever hit The Bahamas, specifically the northern Bahamas, destroying the islands of Abaco and its cays and eastern Grand Bahama, with winds up to 185 mph, and claiming the lives of hundreds with its up to 20-foot surge. One of those who is presumed to have perished in the surge is Abaco resident Adrian Farrington’s 5-year-old son, Adrian Farrington Jr.
October 3, 2019
Media Criticism: John Oliver the Comedic Journalist?
John Oliver on set for his episode on legal immigration, which aired on HBO on September 15. New York, NY […]