
May 4, 2022
Starbucks Workers Fight to Unionize in Pacific Northwest
“Starbucks has done an incredible job at using scare tactics and making people afraid of retaliation,” says one worker leading the effort at her store.

April 18, 2022
Portland Co-op Curates Healthy, Locally-Sourced Food to Nourish Community
Alberta Cooperative Grocery provides healthy, local food that is “tailored for the community.” The co-op’s multi-stakeholder model offers a blueprint for sustainability and resilience to crisis.

February 8, 2022
Portland City Workers Set to Strike Pending New Contract Agreement
Portland city workers plan to strike if their demands are not met.

October 18, 2021
Workers Demand Better Conditions at a Chicago Tortilla Factory
(CHICAGO) — Workers at the El Milagro tortilla company in Chicago’s Lower West Side staged a walkout on Sept. 23 […]

October 19, 2020
Study: Latino Farm and Food Workers Shoulder Unfair Burden of COVID-19
Over half of Harris County food production workers are immigrants, but these essential workers don’t get half the help they need and deserve, a Center for Public Integrity analysis finds.