Culture (Page 52)

October 19, 2020
How @Starkkates Reaches 360,000 Followers on Alternative TikTok
StarkKates talks about her success as a content creator on the famous app Tiktok.

October 19, 2020
New York City Actor Experiences Life on Set in the Pandemic
Working as an actor on set during the pandemic means adjusting to the new guidelines and COVID-19 in daily life.

October 19, 2020
All-Inclusive Playground Closure Affected Children With Autism
Local advocates say they are trying to help families keep kids engaged in sensory play at home during quarantine

October 13, 2020
The World Needed an LGBTQIA+ Dictionary, So She Wrote One
Chloe O. Davis defines PRIDE in her latest creation.

October 13, 2020
The Venice Boardwalk Isn’t a “Freak Show” Anymore: It’s a Graveyard
The Venice Boardwalk, normally frequented by naked musicians covered in gold paint, is now sparsely populated with rickety tents and mostly storefronts