
News (Page 172)

October 22, 2019

Casey Newton: The Advocate for Facebook Moderators

(Source: Eston Bond) PHILADELPHIA, Penn. – Imagine if social media was raw, obscene, and absolutely unfiltered. Any person in the […]

David Icke, an English conspiracy theorist, is the chief proponent of the idea that reptilians in human skin control humanity. Credit: Flickr, via Creative Commons.

October 15, 2019

How Far Are ‘Lizard People’ from the White House?

Former sports broadcaster David Icke claims that shapeshifting reptilians control the world, masquerading as our trusted political leaders. He’s built a business around it, writing books and selling out public talks around the world for years. How far are his far-out theories from those that grip the current White House, and are they related?

October 15, 2019

Library in a Box Supports Free Community Book Exchange

Little Free Libraries are free book exchanges opened by individuals or groups in a community. As standalone units, ranging from small boxes to walk-in hollowed out trees, these libraries are run voluntarily by the community rather than a paid library staff funded by the government.

October 15, 2019

Case Study: Behind The Words of The Transit Guy

( NEW YORK ) — You’ll eventually know him as The Transit Guy, but for now you probably know him […]

October 15, 2019

Ghosts Aren’t the Only Thing Haunting One Manhattan Landmark

For 183 years the Merchant's House Museum has been a haven for ghost hunters and history buffs. Its preservation now lies in the hands of the courts to decide whether and how it will endure 183 more.