News (Page 191)
October 15, 2019
Get Lucid: How To Harness Your Own Virtual Reality with Lucid Dreaming
Photo by By Fizke via Shutter Stock What if you could fly through the air, travel to Paris, and go on […]
October 15, 2019
Is There Life After Death? This Doctor Thinks So
NASSAU, Bahamas - We’ve heard it all before - stories of people dying and coming back to life – some claiming to have “died and gone to heaven,” others whose “life flashed before their eyes”, and even more bizarre, patients who have claimed to have had an out-of-body experience during surgery. Still, curious cats like me have wondered if there is some truth to these accounts.
October 15, 2019
The Psychic Edge: Entrepreneurs Turn to Fortune Tellers for Advice
(Photo by Guillermo Arroyo from Pexels) (NEW YORK) – On a recent rainy Saturday, Tanya Brown was on her way […]
October 15, 2019
EdTech Startups Are Leveraging AI To Help Children With Autism And Special Needs
Some may perceive artificial intelligence to be invasive, or too human-like and creepy, but there are some fields where it […]
October 13, 2019
Modi Calls for Women’s Empowerment As the Job Rate for Indian Women Plummets
In a recent U.S. address, India's prime minister called for empowering women although the country has one of the fastest falling rates of women participating in the workforce in the world.