journalism (Page 8)

January 30, 2022
Wiretapping in Italy—Places, Journalists, and Sources at Risk
(FLORENCE, Italy) — Protecting sources is one of the foundational elements of journalistic work. However, the extent of protection provided […]

January 26, 2022
Working Wardrobes Rebuilds Careers Amidst the Great Resignation
With unemployment still below pre-pandemic levels and workers quitting jobs at unprecedented rates, an Orange County-based nonprofit is helping people rebuild careers and get back to work — on their terms.

January 11, 2022
Podcast: Journalism and ‘Mythinformation’ with Jane Lytvynenko
Journalism / Mythinformation is a podcast that focuses on journalists of today and the challenges they face during this era […]

January 11, 2022
Podcast: Journalism / Mythinformation with Hayes Brown
Journalism / Mythinformation is a podcast that focuses on journalists of today and the challenges they face during this era […]

January 3, 2022
Opinion: In Defense of the Fourth Estate — Strengthening FOIA for Public Interest
In recent years, FOIA has gained a notorious reputation for extended delays or even non-responsiveness, but there are ways to improve the FOIA laws.